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Honoring the 9/11 Rescue Dogs

This is Riley, the Golden Retriever, from FEMA Type II Pennsylvania Task Force I – handler, Chris Selfridge.  This photo of Riley was the second-most famous picture with firefighters raising the flag as number one.

Riley was put in a Stokes basket strapped in with his harness.  His mission was to search the top of what was left of the North tower.  There were many heroes that day, including many with four legs, and Pennsylvania’s own hero, Riley. 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 Honoring the 300 dogs of 911.  From Search & Rescue dogs, Bomb Detection dogs, Guide Dogs and comfort dogs.  The last living person rescued from Ground Zero (27 hours after the collapse) was found by one of the search and rescue dogs.

Veterinarians were on site 24/7. To make sure the dogs had food, treats, hydration and medical attention. ⁣ Never forget.


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